There Is No Secret Formula. Effective Leaders Need To Master Mode Shifting.

Greg Satell
6 min readSep 7, 2024
Image by Microsoft Designer

In 2005 W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne published Blue Ocean Strategy, which found that “blue ocean” launches, those in new categories without competition, far outperformed the shark-infested “red ocean” line extensions that are the norm in the corporate world. It was an immediate hit, selling over 3.5 million copies.

Around the same time, Bain consultants Chris Zook and James Allen’ published, Profit from the Core. They found that firms that focused on their ”core” far outperformed those who strayed. For example, they warned that Amazon was putting itself in peril for expanding its business beyond books and predicted dire results.

Clearly both theories can’t be true. The truth is that there is no secret formula. Success is highly context dependent. What works in one set of circumstances will likely lead to failure in another. That’s why we need to become adept at mode shifting from one set of principles to another. There are no silver bullets. Solutions need to fit problems, not the other way around.

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Greg Satell

Co-Founder: ChangeOS | Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker, Wharton Lecturer, HBR Contributor, - Learn more at